This course will teach you advanced concepts and usage of Rust in specific domains such as asynchronous programming, graphics (GUI) programming, programming for the web, etc. This is the Rust pioneer training in France and it has been taught for more than four years. Several hundred attendees already benefited from it. Get the most of an experimented trainer able to answer all your questions and a dedicated teaching environment.
In this training, each module consists of 60% of practical exercises and 40% of presentations. At the end of the training, the attendees shall be autonomous in their Rust development. At the end, the attendees can:
All organization that want to train their technical staff (developers, team leaders, etc.) on a safe and performant system programming language.
A completion certificate is addressed to all attendees that complete the course.
Add it to your Linkedin profile
Sharable certificate
Pedagogical modalities are adapted to the group, depending on the group size and attendees: practical exercises, guided discussions, pair-programming, individual coaching, etc. Several projects are to be completed in an autonomous fashion, so as to consolidate learning. The validation of skill acquisition and evaluation is managed by the trainer during the training.
This training can be attended in person or online. The estimated delay to start est around 1 month.
Before the training
During the training
At the end
After the training
For all trainings, we conduct preliminary surveys to adapt our sites, pedagogical modalities and course animation to any declared disabilities. We are here, should you have any question or specific requirements. Contact us at
Laurent Wouters est cofondateur de Cénotélie et chercheur. Laurent pratique le langage Rust au quotidien depuis plusieurs années, notamment dans le cadre du développement d'une plateforme en ligne pour le suivi de la croissance des cultures agricoles sur la base de l'analyse d'images satellite. Il s'agit d'un produit industriel complexe, dont tous les composants côté serveur sont écrits en Rust. Pour un aspect plus visible, Laurent participe à Hime, dont une version du runtime est écrite en Rust.
Laurent détient un titre de doctorat en Théorie des langages. Durant ses activités de recherches il s'est passionné à comprendre comment les languages et la sémantique peuvent améliorer les pratiques de collaboration et l'ingénierie des systèmes complexes. Par ailleurs, il a participé à l'encadrement de plusieurs travaux de stage et de thèse. Avant de devenir un formateur professionnel, il s'est forgé une expérience en tant qu'enseignant dans plusieurs grandes universités parisiennes, dont l'Ecole Centrale de Paris.
Advanced Rust - February 2025
Language: Français
Feb 10, 2025 - Feb 13, 2025
Advanced Rust - April 2025
Language: Français
Apr 7, 2025 - Apr 10, 2025
Advanced Rust - June 2025
Language: Français
Jun 10, 2025 - Jun 13, 2025
We always like to hear our customers come out from the cooperation happy and satisfied. Have a look what our customers said about us.
"A lecturer who could answer questions directly. Exercises of increasing difficulty. "
"The exercises on cross-cut/generic stuff like pinning and async really allowed you to go into a deep understanding of Rust."
"Strengths of this training: 1. the format (short theoretical introduction + extensive hands-on exercises) 2. the exercises itself 3. the solutions which you can consult if you are lost"
"Laurent is a strength - the ability to ask him questions. There are solutions that work and that can be referenced."
"Laurent is a strength - the ability to ask him questions. There are solutions that work and that can be referenced"